Sunday, October 27, 2013

Acids, Bases, and Power of Hydrogen (pH)

Below is a very short overview of Acids, Bases, and Power of Hydrogen (pH). Take notes on the link below

Friday, August 23, 2013

Explanations for Cancer Animations

These animations go along with the  
Understanding Cancer handout Section 2: Building and Explanation for the Cause of Cancer

Animation 1

Animation 2

Animation 3

Animation 4

Animation 5

News Alert Videos

The videos on this site go along with the 
Understanding Cancer Handout Section 1: Factors Reported to be Associated with Cancer

Cancer and Chemical Poisons

Cancer and your family history

Cancer and Radiation Exposure

Cancer and UV light

Monday, January 21, 2013

Cell Cycle and Mitosis Tutorial

Objective:to understand the cycle that cells go through – from interphase to mitosis to cytokinesis and over again; students will study how cells go through cell division a process that is used for repair, growth, and asexual

Use the information on the website to answer the questions below.  Each section of questions is even titled so that you know where to look for the answers.   You need to write clearly and detailed answers as you may need this information later.  When you have completed this assignment turn it in to the assignment crate labeled with your name, date, and class period
Illustration of the stages of cell cycle